Sunday, September 28, 2008

Home School Blog: #1

I am so extremely pleased to announce that we have decided to home school!!! Most of you know that this is something that has been on my heart for sometime now. Their are a lot of things I love about my kids being a part of their community in public schools, which is partially why taking the plunge took me so long. The first day of school this year was really confirmation that it was not what I wanted for our family though.

I know that one of the great debates in the Christian community for reasons not to Home school is segregating ourselves somewhat and not letting our children live in and experience the world as they are surly going to end up having to do one day anyway. I totally respect and understand that point of view. My reasons for wanting to home school have very little to almost nothing to do with me wanting to protect and shelter them from the things public school and the world will expose them to. I myself think it is very important for them to have that experience out from under the protection of Mama, out in the world.

The bottom line for me is I really want to be the one to teach, grow and nurture my little ones on a full time basis. I felt robbed when Drew started 1st grade and was gone SO many hours a week. Now that Lilly is in school too I feel totally freaked out by the fact that its not too far off and all three of them will be gone almost 7 hours a day. I know in my heart that that is not how I want things to be for us. God has unleashed the teacher in me over the last couple of years. 3 years ago I would have laughed at the possibility of being a homeschooling Mom... I never felt I had even a remote ability to teach. But God is amazing!!! He has taken me through teaching ladies how to stamp, to teaching Sunday School, then preschool and now He has called me to teach my own kids.

I am so extremely excited to began this journey and so thankful that I have some great homeschooling Moms to lean on. I will need to use all the patience I can drum up to wait until next year as we feel we have to finish out the commitment we have already made by putting them in public school this year. But that gives me lots of time to research and get prepared for the journey that lay ahead.


Carrie said...

WOW!! Congratulations Amber...I'm excited for you guys! You are a wonderful teacher and I know that this big step is something that has been on your heart for a while...I know that God will lead, guide and direct you as you transition into this new role. What an awesome decision!

Jess said...

Wow, Amber. That's awesome, and I admire you greatly for both the decision and the ability to do it. No matter how I wish otherwise, I'm not one of those moms that does well at home with my kids all day. And I think the world of moms who can! You rock!

Trujess said...

oooh I am super excited! I was homeshooled and it was peer pressure at home...

Melissa Meyer said...

This is great, Amber! :) And the Lord will honor your obedience to Him, I know it!

Amber Red said...

I think this is so exciting! Want to add 4 more??
You are an amazing teacher!

Heather said...

I'm excited for you and know that this will be the adventure of a lifetime for you and your family. Can I be a substitute or guest teacher sometime?!