Thursday, September 25, 2008

A hunger for His Word

I have often envied people that seem to love studying God's Word. I confess I had never really felt that kind of love for it. When I first became a believer I was very intrigued and wanted to soak up everything I could about being a believer, including reading the Word. But I can't say I had a true love or hunger for it. Over the last few months God has really grown that hunger in me. It started back when I posted THIS and has developed since then. I can't wait to go deeper or get more from my study time. Some scales have been lifted from my eyes to help me to see God's Word in a whole new light. The resources for more in depth study have not been at my disposal which has been frustrating me. You can only get so far with the free online resources. So Clint and I have decided to purchase some Logos Software. I am just SO FREAKING EXCITED to get it!!! I even paid extra for the faster shipping.

So here's to becoming a true Bible thumper, and loving every minute of it.

The ordinances of the Lord are sure and altogether righteous. They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb.
Psalms 19:9-10


Amber Red said...

I'll drink to that!

Mr.Anonymous said...

me too!

Amber said...

Who is Mr.Wall?????

Carrie- Are ypu sending me your randoms? Te-he :)

Howiecopywriter said...

Any comments on the bailout and the swindle, go to or

Amber said...

What is with the creepy random men!?! I just changed my profile picture...maybe I should change it back?

*Laura said...

We've never met, and honestly, I was aimlessly wandering across the internet when I stumbled upon your blog. I read this post, and the link to the other post about being a "woman of the word". I must tell you, I praise God for leading me to this site today. I have been receiving gentle reminders of my own, and your post really edified my spirit. Thank you for your boldness in sharing with others.
"Therefore comfort one another, and edify one another, even as you also do." 1 Thes. 5:11
-Laura, NM

Lil Kim said...

Yo, I'll drink to anything. Cheers Mr. Wall!

Heather said...

My...what a popular blog you have Mrs. Mitchell. I like the new pic though.

As long as we're's to soaking in His Qord!

Amber said...

His what???? Just kidding...I know what you meant :)

Rachel said...

Great post. I have in my head that I really want to delve into His Word, but I haven't been doing it--not the way I want to. I'm praying for you!

Bina said...

Praise God for such a glorious hunger! I am so encouraged by your witness and deep desire to know God and His Word! I want that too!! I love that this seems to be a hunger for the women (and for everyone) at Grace. I am looking forward to getting to know the women at Grace as we seek to study and understand God's Word together so that we can know Him, love Him and live it!

Trujess said...

Amber...your post was great but all the comments had me rolling on the floor laughing! hugs