Thursday, February 26, 2009

Pill Popper

Growing up I watched my Mom pop pill after pill for and reason she could come up with. I later learned pill popping was just another one of her many drug addictions. It is also the only one of her drug addictions that I actually watched her partake in. At an early age I wanted nothing to do with pills. I even had a neck injury as a child and they sent me home from the hospital with pain medicine to take. I refused to take them. At that time I looked at my Mom and her need for pills all the time as a weakness. I refused to be as weak as her!!! Up until just a few years ago I had a really hard time taking medicine for headaches and colds. I would gladly suffer through things then be weak like my Mother.
Most of you know that I have had all my kids completely natural. Not even a Tylenol to dull some of the pain. Most people would probably think I chose that because of some benefit for me or the baby or one of those many other important reasons people choose natural childbirth. But not me. When I was pregnant with Drew I chose to have no drugs solely to be different from my Mom. I wanted nothing to do with any form of pain medicine cause to me (then) that meant weakness. That meant I would be like her.
Today things are a bit different. I no longer think taking pain medicine is a sign of weakness. I gladly take some Tylenol the second a headaches come on, and while I do still choose natural childbirth, it is for very different reason. But then lately…
Lately I have been SO incredibly sick from this pregnancy. I flat out can not hold most of my food down or even function with out the medicines my Mid-wife has me on. I have taken more pills in the last month then I’ve taken in my entire life. Probably even twice as many! This has been really hard on me emotionally. I have tried twice to stop taking the meds because I want so badly not to depend on them. But a couple days of no meds and I get really sick again. So back on the meds I go struggling not to believe that it makes me weak. Its funny how things we think we’ve worked through and are over, can quickly creep back in.
***Disclaimer: I want to be clear that these are issues that I have solely with myself and I in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM believe that others who take medicines are at all weak. I specifically want to address the Natural child birth topic since I do know this can be a sensitive subject with women. I completely believe what each person chooses is a very personal choice and I would never judge what anyone else chooses for themselves.


Heather said...

Thank you for sharing your struggle in this area. I loved hearing your heart and will be praying for you in this current struggle of yours.

Carrie said...

Thanks for sharing what is on your heart. You2Me2 on thinking that you have worked through things and then they creep back in. So good to remember that we have 2 Corinthians 12:9 to lean on..."My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Hoping that the sickness fog lifts quickly and you begin feeling like yourself soon!

Rachel said...

Thank you for sharing, Amber. You are not the first person I have heard this from. One of the reasons I am very careful about drinking alcohol-I do it rarely-is because I have seen what alcohol can do to people.