Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The way to Gus' heart

Gus: (screaming and crying) I need more ice cream!!!
Mom: No Gus, you already had one and can't have anymore.
Gus: (still screaming and crying) Nooooooooo, I need more.
Mom: I'm sorry Gus but you ate your ice cream.
Gus: No I didn't, I dropped it, waaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Mom: Well Gus I didn't know you dropped it. I thought you ate it. Mama will get you more.
Gus: oooooookaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
Mom: (hands Gus his ice cream)
Gus: (happy as a clam) I like you Mama!!!

1 comment:

Trujess said...

haha...what a boy!!! Thanks for sharing this!