Sunday, July 11, 2010

30 day Challenge: Days 23-25

WOW! I can't believe I am already almost done. This is awesome! I am already thinking about what I will do for my next challenge. Here are a few of my ideas.
Eat no more than X amount of calories per day
Read a book aloud to one of my Children everyday
Not eat any food after 8pm
Exercise 4 days a week
Spend 20 minutes organizing/going through stuff in my house everyday

Challenge 1: Time in Gods Word
I have finished Proverbs! My friend Rachel is reading it too and she posted a bit about the verses like (paraphrasing here) Better to live in a dry desert or have rotten bones then to live with a quarrelsome wife. Proverbs is the book of wisdom and their are quite a few verses saying this same thing so I think I better pay attention! I often justify my behavior based on my husbands. Titus 2 talks about how we should be as Godly wives and Mothers (loving, respectful, kind...) and at NO point does it say IF...
If he is in a good mood
If he completed the "honey do" list
If he is unselfish
If he makes good decisions
If he is loving to you
We need to love and respect our husbands because God has commanded us to regardless of their behavior. Just like our husbands we will have to answer to God for our own actions. I can't help but imagine a conversation with God when I stand before him one day.

God: Amber, why were you disrespectful and unloving to your husband when...
Me: God, didn't you see how selfish he was being when he was 1/2 hour late getting home from golfing? The kids were fighting and I had dinner ready! I needed him there on time!
God: You're kidding me! How could I miss that? What a selfish jerk he is!!! You poor thing. Here is 10 jewels for your crown cause you've had to endure so much.

Ya, that's how it will be right? But that sure is how I act sometimes. Ya feel me sisters???

Challenge 2: Exercise
Well on Thursday I was able to run over a mile. Friday I could have and should have got my exercise done in the am cause I had a busy day ahead but my discipline failed me. So when I got home at 1:20 am and was completely exhausted I did push ups, sit ups and leg exercises and then put my I-pod on and danced to get my 20 minutes in. I do not intend on letting that happen again cause it sucked!!! Saturday I coordinated a wedding  all day. My plan was to get 20minutes of cardio on the dance floor baby! I did get in about 20 minutes of dancing but it was not consecutive cause I had responsibilities to attend too. However I was on my feet running around (other than using the potty 3 times) for 10 1/2 hours straight. My legs were killing me when I got home. After running over a mile and not being sore I believe I had more of a workout yesterday then any day in my challenges so far. And it was so much fun!

1 comment:

Abbey said...

Thanks again for finishing up the wedding yesterday - you are truly amazing as a coordinator! The Proverbs part reminded me of Feminine Appeal too - serving no matter the circumstances because it glorifies God - not because we necessarily feel like it at the time or based on our husbands behavior...