Monday, January 10, 2011

1000 Gifts: 148-172

holy experience 

~148 A fun time ironing with friends
~149 The awesome community of amazing Godly women at EHK-12
~150 The wisdom spoken to me on an area of struggle
~151 I have to admit that part of me is very thankful to be back at the daily grind (just part)
~152 Double deals
~153 Free cleaning products
~154 Hot tea
~155 The fun Drew is having in musical theater
~156 Friends that aren't afraid to ask for help
~157 Cool classes
~158 Someone else making dinner
~159 Evie's pucker
~160 Seeing Drew on stage looking like the cutest little person Ireland ever saw :)
~161 Shilea Corey
~162 That we can be assured that God opens and closes the womb
~163 A night out with the ladies
~164 My uber cozy bed ( I heart Temperpedic)
~165 Pretty flowers
~166 Not just chit chatting but taking the time to go to heart
~167 A relaxing Sunday afternoon
~168 New pots and pans (FINALLY!)
~169 The fact that Drew has been wearing her little person hat all day
~170 Psalm 34
~171 Fleece sheets
~172 2 Cor 3:18
~173 Finding balance in areas that have been very unbalance

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