Thursday, July 15, 2010

Beautiful Blogger Awards

Rachel over at Saved By Grace just gave me an award!

WOW Rachel! Thank you! You are to sweet. Rachel is my friend, a fellow homeschooling mom and my sister in Christ. I met her at Grace a few years ago. Rachel is creative, helpful and honest and I love all those things about her.

Here are the rules:

1) Add a link and note of thanks to the person giving the award
2) Pass the award on to the bloggers whose blogs you love (15 tops)
3) Share 7 things about yourself

I have decided to take a different approach to the Beautiful Bloggers Awards. I know a couple bloggers who I used to LOVE reading their blogs. Both of these bloggers use to fill there blogs with beautiful pictures and cute stories of there kids. They also blogged about their journeys with Christ be it a praise or a struggle. They shared theirs hearts, families, joys and sorrows with us through their blogs. I do so miss these ladies blogs and I hope they will share with us again soon.

Carrie at Day by Day in Grace
Amber at Under Construction

7 things about me

1) As a teen I drove a pink VW convertible (every girls dream) and I vow to one day drive one again.
2) I have never played a team sport in my entire life ( I don't like balls being thrown at me :))
3) When I was a baby I crawled out of the house while my parents were busy painting. I went up our street, crossed a busy street in Edmonds, went up another block and down a another street where a lady found me playing in her yard. I was wearing a t-shirt and had a poppy diaper. Meanwhile my parents had called the police and were frantically looking for me. My mom said that when she picked me up at the police station I was having the time of my life making all the policemen laugh.
4) I am really good at stuffing away my feelings. I think its because my childhood and teen years were so rough and it was my way of survival. Sometimes it's a blessing and other times it feels like a curse.
5) I never found out what we were having with any of our pregnancies but got exactly the sex I wanted with each one.
6) I seriously cannot wait to be a grandma. It seems like so much fun!!! If my kids don't get married and have kids until later in life it will feel like a punishment to me. LOL!
7) My favorite color had always been pink (any shade) but for my wedding I chose lavender in honor of my grandma who passed away that year.


Rachel said...

Great idea to get Amber and Carrie back into blogging. I too miss their updates.

Coupon Connections NW said...

uuuuuu :) It is partly because I am still having a pity party