Friday, November 21, 2008

Working Moms miss out!

One of the hardest parts about working is missing out. I feel every week that I have missed out on different pieces of my families lives. Bed time kisses and prayers, dinner around the table, interesting stories about what happened at school... Conversations missed with Clint and spending time alone with him after the kids go to bed. While I do get those things on the nights I don't work, its still tough on the nights I do. Last night I missed my first "event" for one of our children. Rather then complaining about missing it I will use the rest of my blogging time to brag about Drew's accomplishment.
Drew absolutely LOVES art! She has been honored for her art at school a few different times. She's been chosen by her teachers as well as her classmates for excellent artwork. Last night she was honored at a district wide awards ceremony for the "Best Book I Ever Read" poster contest!!! Her artwork is be displayed right now at the Lynnwood Library if you want to go check it out.

We are so proud of her!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Homeschool blog:2

It's been a while since I've written about this but I am trying to take things slow since I have a year of public school to finish. As much as I'd like to take off running w/ homeschooling right now, I know this extra time is going to help prepare me for the journey ahead. I am excited and scared all at the same time! I've been reading a couple books and have many more lined up. I want to take in all that I can before I start making any "big" decisions for our first year. Their is SO much to consider.

Things I am praying and pondering over...

~Can we do this? Neither Clint or I went to college and we both just barely got through high school. I often ask myself if we have the knowledge and wisdom to do this. I'm praying for wisdom. James 1:5 "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him."

~Co-op or no co-op? I know being part of home school organizations will benefit us but I'm not sure if I want to do it the first year. My girls will both be "deschooling" and because of this I want to take things easy and make fun and creativity a priority.

~Text books, work books, curriculum? Should I use these? Which ones? How much will it cost? The common pattern I'm reading and hearing about from homeschoolers is how often work books and text books can become more of a burden then a blessing. Since I was raised in institutional school and both my girls have done that thus far, I fear how easy it might be to fall into the patterns and procedure of the institutional schooling process. I do not want homeschooling for us to just be sitting around a table doing worksheets and answering questions from text books. However, it seems that they are a vital "tool" for homeschooling. I just need to keep it a tool and not let it be a tyrant. How will this look for us?

~Change? This is going to bring much change into our lives. I alone am going to have the change the most. I will need to shift some of my priorities quite a bit to give my kids the time they need and deserve and to be the best influence possible. Time spent online, chatting on the phone, attending every social gathering, being a part of everything, various ministries... all things that will have to decrease or at least change in order for me to give this my best. God has already begun a work in me.

Things we are very excited about...

~Our first purchase! Clint and I bought maps the other day to hang in our playroom. We got one of each; the World, North America, US and a bonus poster w/ the flags of the world. (good price at Costco if your interested) We are confident they will come in handy for homeschooling. Maybe one day we can mark them up with all the places we travel in the US. (Field trips!)

~Tornado's, sports and honey! Both the girls have thought of some things they are excited to learn about when we home school. Drew wants to learn about the history of sports. How they started, who, where? She is also very interested in learning more about tornado's. Lilly is excited to learn how bee's make honey.

~Freedom!!! Homeschooling is going to give us the freedom to learn about all the things we are interested in and the time to do it.

~Family!!! Spending the entire day learning, working and playing together. Being the key influence and role model in my children's lives and growing deeper in relationship with them because of it.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Christmas is coming

Only 36 shopping days left!!! where I've been doing some of mine.

I figure I'll spend less even after shipping costs by staying OUT of the stores.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Normally I take much enjoyment from watching Gus and all his "BOY"isms. Today was another story. Gus walks in the house saying "I got it Mom. I got it!" I turn to see just what he's got... It was a WORM! A WORM! YUCK!!!! Call me crazy but I think those things are disgusting. Then he started to cry and get freaked out by it (probably because of my reaction... oops.) and he dropped it on the kitchen floor! Guess who had to pick that nasty thing up and toss it back outside. That's right, ME! ( I used a paper towel of course) I do not look forward to the many creatures that boy might just bring inside over the years.

PS- I chose a picture of this cute worm which looks nothing like the nasty one that was in my kitchen today. YUCK!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A change of seasons

When I think of change I can’t help but reflect on the visual picture we see when a change of season occurs in the world around us. The most recent change we’ve seen can be a beautiful one to watch unfold. As the wind blows smooth and swift or whips hard and fast through the trees it is sure to evoke change. The last of the flower petals fall and the trees lose their beautiful blankets of red and gold. Some leaves seem to hold on until the very last minute before being pulled off by the winds force. That last leaf to fall has become brown and brittle and no longer brings much beauty to the season. When it meets its final destination of the hard ground it is sure to crumble.

I my friends have been like that leaf. God has sent winds of change into my life. I am like a scared little leaf clinging to the tree for fear of what will happen if I let go. But I must. I must let go and let God carry me to my next destination, the next season He has for me. If I hold on much longer I am sure to become brown in spirit and brittle in faith. I am sure to hit the ground hard and brake into pieces. So I choose to let the winds of change God has brought into my life carry me gracefully to the next season. I know the journey won’t always be easy, but He who is guiding me will be my strength along the way.

A change of seasons can bring a change of heart. (I’ll post on this one soon)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Still adjusting to working outside the home~thankful for Hubby helping out~Feel like disconnecting myself from the world most days~made my first home school purchase~not much time in the Word lately~today NEEDS to be laundry day~Reconnecting with my Big ickster a bit~Beat her at darts last night (found out I'm pretty good for a first timer)~Struggling to find the perfect birth control~Valuing my family time more than ever~want to get away for a mini vacation...just us~Thankful for 2 short school weeks in a row~Craving the submersion of myself into a good fiction~Constantly fascinated by the boyisms of our boy~Martha, Martha, Martha! Where are you Mary? I need you~Pruning, molding, growing, shaping. Change can be a good thing~Saying "NO" to deep fried foods~Soccer Mom job done for the season (yes, one more thing off my list!)~Storm Chasers Sunday's @7pm with the whole family. We love it!~Signing off to spend some much need time with my Heavenly Father ~

Thursday, November 6, 2008

It's her birthday today!

Heather is...

Happy to be celebrated today
Awesome Mom and friend
Thoughtful thinker
Helpful and honest (couldn't choose just one)
Eager to be the best mom she can be
Running man master!!!

Sister in Christ

Making healthy food choices
Yep! She's really creative too


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Congratulations/What does this mean for us?

Most of you know that I am a McCain supporter. However while McCain was recanting I couldn't help but be filled with warm fuzzies at the fact that America has her first Black President. Now ALL little boys can actually believe in the dream of one day being President! Congratulations on your HISTORIC VICTORY Obama!

On the other hand I am trying not to freak out about the whole thing. I know and trust that God places our leaders. I just can't help but wonder if He has placed this leader to let us give in to our sinful nature and allow us to make choices that are certain to further pollute and pervert the few moral values we have left in America. All the thoughts that are running through my mind make feel feel okay that we are not having more kids. (I'm sure that will pass though)

All I have left to say is GO PALIN 2012!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

The down side to all those cute costumes...

We had each of the kids pic out some of their favorites and we are getting rid of the rest. (thanks Trina for the great idea) Of course Clint and I will be picking some of our favorites too!

These ones work! Click to see larger.

Weekend Review

Trick or Treat!!!

The kids had a great time at the school Monster Mash and trick or treating. Gus learned very quickly that if he said "tick teat" he got some candy in his bag. Drew was a clown, Lilly a care bear and Gus a lion.
Rivals Costume Party
The Costumes
Britney and K-Fed
Hot and Cold
Beauty and the Geek
Coke and Pepsi x2
Black and White (we missed you white)
Amy and Madonna
Paper and Plastic
Peter Pan and Captain Hook
Chaos and Structure
Cruella Devil and a Dalmatian Puppy
Father and an Alter boy
A man with a (trying to quit smoking) monkey on his back
Dorthy and the Wicked Witch
Kyle Stannert and Clint Mitchell

The Party
Dancing, Dancing and more Dancing!!!
Burn barrel
Hanging out
Can't wait for next year. Hmmmmm what will the theme be?
Gus moves to a "Big Boy Bed"!
He did great! The transition was WAY easier then I expected. I thought I would morn the loss of a crib but how can I when he looks so adorable in his new bed.

Monday, October 27, 2008

No patience to post

I feel like I have much share but I don't really have the patience to spend much time at the computer lately. So here is a quick peek into what's going on over here lately.
I got a Job!!!
It just happen to fall in my lap last week so I took it. It's gonna make life a little crazy but what's new. I'm a waitress at a Casino 2 nights a week. It's a bit of a culture shock on a couple different levels but I'll get into that another time/another post.
Clint's applying for a new job!!!
His application got excepted at Seattle City light and he took a test on Saturday to hopefully move to the next round. He has been interested in this job for a few years now and this is his first real shot at it. He was 1 of 400 to apply and they are hiring 10 people. BTW-Lynnwood offered him a job but we couldn't take it cause the pay cut was too much.
The girls...
got their boogie on at the Monster Mash at school on Saturday. This week is conference week so Lilly has no school and Drew only has half days so I am excited to have them home more this week. Today we are crafting some spiders decorations for the party.
Has been non stop playing with his cars and trucks. It is so stinkin' cute! As I'm cleaning the house I'm finding them everywhere (he drives them on any surface he can find) and it just makes me smile.
All of us...
are doing a ton of stuff to get ready for the big party on Friday. You are all gonna be surprised to see how we've transformed the house.

Well, I'm off to clean, cook, sew, move furniture, decorate, and create!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Who's that lady!?!

Poor guy, huh? That's what happens when you have two big sisters...

He sure is cute though!

Sorry for only posting pics lately. My brain does not seem to be working to its full (by that I mean partial) potential lately. A lot has been going on at the Mitchell house and hopefully I'll have time to update you soon. Until then I'll leave you with a little something I was blessed by reading today. I hope it blesses you too!
On His Shoulders
(Our Daily Bread)
READ: Luke 15:3-7
He shall dwell between His shoulders. —Deuteronomy 33:12
Our family likes to hike, and we’ve had some grand adventures together. But when our boys were small, our enthusiasm caused us to walk too fast and too far, and their legs often grew weary. They couldn’t keep up the pace, despite their determined efforts and our assurance that the end of the trail was just over the next hill.
“Dad,” would come the plaintive request, accompanied by upraised arms, “will you carry me?” “Of course,” I would reply, and hoist the child on my shoulders. He was not a burden, for he was little and light.
How often, like my children, I’ve grown weary, and the end of my efforts is not even in sight. I can no longer keep up or accomplish the task. But I am learning that I can turn with arms upraised to my heavenly Father, who walks beside me, and I can ask Him to carry me.
I know He will lay me on His shoulder as a shepherd carries the lamb that was lost (Luke 15:5). There He will joyfully carry me all day long, for I am little and light—no burden to Him. There I find rest, for “the beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by Him, who shelters him all the day long; and he shall dwell between His shoulders” (Deut. 33:12). — David H. Roper

Ask the Savior to help you,Comfort, strengthen, and keep you;He is willing to aid you—He will carry you through. —Palmer
The God who holds the universe is the God who is holding you.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

open, closed, open, closed. OPEN?

The saga of the city of Lynnwood employment...

After they didn't call back when they said the would and then didn't return Clint's phone call we figured the door was closed. The they called back days later to let him know that they were still interested and wanted to check his references. After talking about it together we decided that at this time Clint could no longer go for the position cause the pay cut would be to much. He called Lynnwood and explained that he was no longer going to pursue the position and why. At the time he thought he may have gone into to much detail about or personal situation but he wanted to be sure they understood that he wasn't just changing his mind for no good reason. At that point the door was closed. Or so we thought...

I got a call from my Dad yesterday who was listed as one of Clint's references. Lynnwood called him and spent 40 MINUTES on the phone wanting to know anything and everything my Dad could tell them about Clint. Hmmmmmmmmm. Then I got a text form Scott N last night that He too, was called by Lynnwood about Clint.

We aren't really sure what to think about this opportunity. We aren't really sure what Lynnwood is thinking. They know he can't take the pay cut, but yet they are still interested in him. What does that mean? I could think of a couple good things that could mean, like maybe they are willing to pay him more for the same position? Or maybe they now want him for a better position since he is definitely overqualified for this one? Who knows?

Oh wait, GOD KNOWS! Whew!!! I guess I'll stop fretting...

Please pray for us as we seek Gods will in this.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Piggy back

I love it when God is teaching me something and how He brings it forth in different ways. Heather and I have been studying Ephesians since the beginning of the summer. I have read it a ton over the past few months. I have probably read the first chapter alone, like 50 times. I was reading it again last night and something just jumped out of the text at me. Something I have yet to really take note of before.

Ephesians 1:4
For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.

The words holy and blameless is why I called this post piggy back. This concept is just a piggy back onto what I was sharing in my last post. It is clear to me that God is teaching me something. Hopefully I'm finally getting it.

As I said in my last post love keeps no record of wrongs. We are totally and completely blameless in Gods sight. (Thanks be to our Savior)

The word blameless in this text is amonouse in Greek.It means without blemish and is used several times in the NT. I am without blemish in the eyes if my Heavenly Father. We are without blemish. Isn't that amazing!!! To drive it home here are a few of the verses.

Ephesians 5:27-28
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.

Philippians 2:14
so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe.

Colossians 1:22
But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation.

My parting words to you on this subject I will take straight from the Word of God.

1 Peter 1:19
So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Love keeps no records of wrongs.

Most of us know those famous words by heart from the love chapter. (1 Cor 13) Often when I look at those words I think about how we ought to love one another. Lately though I have been reflecting on this chapter thinking of how God loves me. So often in my prayer time I feel like cowering, for fear that my Father must be disappointed in me. I speak to Him about all my mistakes of the past and even say to Him "I know you must be disappointed in me again." Then I hear these words- Love keeps no records of wrongs. Gods love is perfect and He keeps no records of my wrongs, of our wrongs! I can feel no shame when I come to my Father for I am forgiven and my record is washed white as snow. Connecting this message from my brain to my heart can profoundly change my prayer life.
Zephaniah 3:17
The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."

Romans 8:39
Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Proverbs 10:12
Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs.

Ephesians 2:4-5
But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Lilly's latest

We were riding in the car and Lilly was looking up at the clouds and said
I want to go up there, peak my head in and see God!
Just a little later she asked
Mom, do you know God?
Yes, I do.
Then you should be dunked!
Drew giggles and says "you mean baptized Lilly."
I then told the girls how I've already been baptized.
Do I know God?
I think you do Lilly.
Then I should be dunked!
Well, maybe that is something you can do when you get a little older.
Every time I'm swimming I get baptized!
Love that these things are already on her heart!!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

My girls

The past couple of years with Drew and Lilly have been interesting. They have seemed to bug each other far more often than enjoyed each other. Well, ever since Lilly has started school, things have changed. I'm not sure if because Lilly has grown so much or if she just seems cooler to Drew cause she goes to school. Either way I love it cause they have been playing non-stop! It has been such a joy to watch! They are playing so good I have often been putting them to bed late or letting them slack on their chores cause I hate to interrupt the fun and enjoyment they are having with each other. Mostly they have been playing store but this particular time they were playing eye doctor. I love how creative and imaginative these girls can be . (they got it from their mother) In this picture they are using a baby doll stroller that has a little window for drew to look through to test Lilly's eye's. It's educational too, cause Drew holds up flash cards for Lilly to read through the little window. If you've ever been to an eye know these girls know exactly what they are doing. So fun to watch!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

This can be a good thing

My Mom has been back in my life for almost 10 month now. I have been very cautious and slow to build back the relationship. However circumstance have made it so I have had to spend more time with her lately. I will confess that I have viewed that time as more of a burden then a blessing. Well, today I had to take her some things for her knew place. I brought all the kids with me and we ended up having a great time. We made lunch together and it was fun being with her. The kids really enjoyed being with her and had fun at her house. As I sit here typing out these words looking at this picture, it really does warm my heart. I often felt I would never see her again let alone see her with all of my kids. This really is a blessing. God has given me more time with her. More time to enjoy her, more time to share my faith with her, more time for my kids to know their Grandma and I am thankful for it.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Air out the funk

Both girls are at school and Gus in down for his nap. So......... Time for Mom to get this house in shape. The first thing I choose to do is take out the trash and prop my front door open. Their is just something about fresh air that makes everything seem cleaner. Probably because the fresh air is a way to air out the funk. In my house the funk usually consists of poopy diapers, dirty dishes and Drew's soccer shoes. As I was doing my chores I was reflecting on the idea of airing out the funk and I started thinking about the "funk" in our lives and how important it is to air out that funk as well. The Bible tells us-

Proverbs 28:31
He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.
James 5 :16
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.
1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
My favorite of these verses is the one from James. Just today I confessed a sin of my tongue to a fellow sister and it really helped me move on from my guilt and be able to ask for forgiveness. At one point God used this verse to bring a HUGE amount of confession and healing into my life. While I know I will never live on this earth with out "funk" I rest in the fact that I have a Savior who died for me and a Father who forgives me. I just have to be willing to air out the funk.
If you've got some "funk" (big or small) that needs airing... get on those needs and air it before your forgiving father. The healing will come...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hmmm... Har har... and a little Grrrrrr!

Well, this afternoon the city of Lynnwood called Clint. Hmmmmmm... Neither of us know quite what to think of it yet. They let him know that they are still investigating... (whatever that means) and that they would be calling his references. I guess the good news is that the door isn't closed. I'm just hoping they recognize he is totally overqualified for that position and are really just investigating because they want to hire him for and even better job. It is in Gods hands, trusting, trusting, trusting...

This evening I was cooking dinner and kept hearing this small voice saying Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom... over and over again for like 5 or 10 minutes. It clearly was none of my children.Then I heard both girls cracking up around the corner as they heard me investigating the sound. I think I am going to have to out law rubber bands in my house since they seem to be Drew's tool of choice when playing practical jokes on Mom. She had a little voice recording pen and she recorded her self saying "MOM" and put a rubber band around it so it would keep replaying over and over, then hid it under the microwave. Har har girls!!!

Later I came across my son taking a pen to our wall were we keep track of the kids heights. Grrrrrrrr! I was so disappointed because we just fixed it from my niece taking a huge sharpy to it. I guess I can't blame him though. Since he chose that wall to color on I'm sure its only because he's seen Mom color on it. (note to self- be careful what you let the boy see you do)

Fill up my cup

As I wake this morning feeling overwhelmed by my busy day ahead, I pray.

Heavenly Father, I ask you this morning to fill up my cup. Fill it with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self control. Fill it overflowing so that your fruits might pour onto those around me. I pray too, for all my sisters who are waking with an empty cup. Fill up their cups in abundance. Some off us have a million things to do today, some are headed off to work. Some off us got very little sleep and are waking with little patience left. Some of us are just weary from the struggles in our lives. Help us all to come to you for the rest and rejuvenation we need. Go before us today, so that we might glorify your name in all that we do. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

Psalm 23
The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures,
He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

Monday, October 6, 2008

My Monday Thoughts...

On my weekend- I got to kick this weekend off with a girls night of scrap booking. It was a blast! Heather and I spent the night at Wendy's house and had a good time catching up and our lives and scrapbooks. I got 13 spreads done!!!

Saturday night after scrap booking, Clint and I took the kids to Red Robin for dinner and then perused the Mall. I got some much needed and appreciated body butter, the girls got some bathroom potions to share and Clint got a pair of shoes and a jacket. (OOPS, we forgot to get Gus something.) It was nice to just hang out and explore the Mall together.

On my sexy lumber jack- Well first I'll say he is still a lumber jack. And a good one at that! He just broke a record at his apprenticeship by hip thrusting himself up a tree in 40 seconds. That's my man!

Anyhow, he did not get the job with the city of Lynnwood. The news came as somewhat of a disappointment but also a relief. Their was lots a great things about this job but it would have been a cut in pay and the timing of that would not have been good considering I just quit babysitting. But we move forward trusting that God has better things in store for Clint. The waiting is never easy though. Clint explains it like this. He feels like a kid walking through the mall holding his Father's hand. As he is walking he sees all these really great stores that he wants to go in. As he approaches each store he is hopeful that he will be taken inside. But God keeps walking... It is hard when it seems like you've been walking so long. But we can trust that God is with us and that He knows whats up ahead.

On babysitting- Things have been a little rough babysitting lately. Gus has really not enjoyed me having an extra little one to care for so much. Long story short he was really lashing out at the little girl and most of my days were being spend refereeing between the two of them. It was not fun for any of us. So we decided it was time to call it quits. I am sad to not have Ayla anymore cause she is such a sweetie and Clint and I really enjoyed her parents. On the other hand it does feel like a weight lifted off my shoulders. While we will all miss Ayla very much, I know this is going to be better for our family in a number of different ways.

As for the loss of income...still trying to figure that one out. Trusting, trusting, trusting...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Just because

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As I go through the day to day task of being Mommy and housewife I can't seem to help but grumble sometimes...
there's too much laundry.
no one's picking up their shoes.
why is their food on the floor?
every time I clean and just gets messy again.
UGH! I have to wake up the babies again to pick up the girls.
Why can't you put your clothes in the laundry basket.
I have no time to cook dinner when I have to go to soccer practice.
Blah, Blah, Blah...
Then it hits me!
You're Gonna Miss This
You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days
Hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this
In case you didn't know this is a song and it makes me cry almost every time I hear it and think about the day went I won't have these little ones running around our house everyday. I want to enjoy and cherish each moment God has given me with my little blessing
CLICK HERE to hear the song!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Stuffy from my head cold

Frustrated from all the stuff I have to do for my Mother

Unsure about where God is leading Clint and I in our Bible studies this fall.

Done with Gus and Ayla not getting along

Overwhelmed from all the chores I am behind on at home.

Tired of thinking about all of it.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Home School Blog: #1

I am so extremely pleased to announce that we have decided to home school!!! Most of you know that this is something that has been on my heart for sometime now. Their are a lot of things I love about my kids being a part of their community in public schools, which is partially why taking the plunge took me so long. The first day of school this year was really confirmation that it was not what I wanted for our family though.

I know that one of the great debates in the Christian community for reasons not to Home school is segregating ourselves somewhat and not letting our children live in and experience the world as they are surly going to end up having to do one day anyway. I totally respect and understand that point of view. My reasons for wanting to home school have very little to almost nothing to do with me wanting to protect and shelter them from the things public school and the world will expose them to. I myself think it is very important for them to have that experience out from under the protection of Mama, out in the world.

The bottom line for me is I really want to be the one to teach, grow and nurture my little ones on a full time basis. I felt robbed when Drew started 1st grade and was gone SO many hours a week. Now that Lilly is in school too I feel totally freaked out by the fact that its not too far off and all three of them will be gone almost 7 hours a day. I know in my heart that that is not how I want things to be for us. God has unleashed the teacher in me over the last couple of years. 3 years ago I would have laughed at the possibility of being a homeschooling Mom... I never felt I had even a remote ability to teach. But God is amazing!!! He has taken me through teaching ladies how to stamp, to teaching Sunday School, then preschool and now He has called me to teach my own kids.

I am so extremely excited to began this journey and so thankful that I have some great homeschooling Moms to lean on. I will need to use all the patience I can drum up to wait until next year as we feel we have to finish out the commitment we have already made by putting them in public school this year. But that gives me lots of time to research and get prepared for the journey that lay ahead.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Great song and one of my prayers...
Give me your eyes for just one second
Give me your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me your love for humanity
Give me your arms for the broken-hearted
The ones that are far beyond my reach
Give me your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me your eyes so I can see

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Pictures that speak a thousand words

The kind and attentive hearts to an anxious little girl...
Innocent friendship... I can't help but imagine these girls 10 years in the future.
Just one of the boys...
Maybe you had to be there...

A hunger for His Word

I have often envied people that seem to love studying God's Word. I confess I had never really felt that kind of love for it. When I first became a believer I was very intrigued and wanted to soak up everything I could about being a believer, including reading the Word. But I can't say I had a true love or hunger for it. Over the last few months God has really grown that hunger in me. It started back when I posted THIS and has developed since then. I can't wait to go deeper or get more from my study time. Some scales have been lifted from my eyes to help me to see God's Word in a whole new light. The resources for more in depth study have not been at my disposal which has been frustrating me. You can only get so far with the free online resources. So Clint and I have decided to purchase some Logos Software. I am just SO FREAKING EXCITED to get it!!! I even paid extra for the faster shipping.

So here's to becoming a true Bible thumper, and loving every minute of it.

The ordinances of the Lord are sure and altogether righteous. They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb.
Psalms 19:9-10

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tis' the season...

to be anything but jolly! In my house this season looks and sounds more like running noses, barking coughs, and fevers. Gus woke up this morning with that nasty barking cough and I had to once again cancel my fun plans. Boo hoo for me and Gus. Today we'll be staying at home close to the humidifier and taking hot steaming showers.

Monday, September 22, 2008


The retreat was...
a great time to connect

At retreat my kids...
ran like wild animals in the rain
slept good
stayed up late
got really dirty
made new friends
enjoyed old ones
played four square until 11pm (drew)

At retreat I...
Enjoyed getting to know knew people
had a blast hanging out w/ good friends
slept on a bed that felt like plywood
played games
shed some tears
was moved by the testimonies
took tons of pictures
sought out the advise and encouragement of others
felt cared for

I left retreat feeling...
blessed to be part of such an amazing church
thankful for the vision that was shared
hopeful to see the body of Christ at Grace grow in deeper community
tired and in need a a good night sleep in my own bed

Friday, September 19, 2008

FLASHBACK with some looking forward


I always loving going to Lakeside for our Church retreat. It is something I look forward to every year. What is also very exciting is how much my girls look forward to going. Every day this week Drew has woken up and said 4 more days until we go camping with the church, 3 more days...2 more days...1 more day...TODAY WE GO!!! Lilly also this morning was asking if today was the day and when I told her is was she had a look of absolute joy on her face. It warms my heart that my girls cherish this time of fun and fellowship with the body as much as I do.
Looking forward to another great weekend at LBC...only wish my bunk mates the Osborns were going to be there with us.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

"Blognal" from the bed

COPYRIGHT: term "blognal" is from the creative and oh so clever mind of miss Heather Osborn. I hope she doesn't mind me using it...

This is so exciting! Clint and I finally entered the world of wireless Internet. We've had this lap top collecting dust for sometime now. The benefits are obvious...I'm blogging from the comfort of my own bed! I've already been up and out of bed and even left the house this morning, but I was so darn excited to be able to blog from anywhere in my house that I decided to hop back in bed and bask in the moment! Yay me! Even more exciting, the kids haven't discovered where I am yet, so I am enjoying the time to be alone w/ my thoughts. Which are many right now. My heart is full this morning with lots of things. I had the blessing of spending some fun, encouraging, and enlightening time with Linda last night. I felt very blessed to gain from her wisdom. She has an amazing heart for the Lord and I think is often misunderstood. I know I myself have misunderstood her at times. My heart is feeling very thankful for her and the glimpse I had into her heart. Iron sharpening vital!

Well, I'm certain I could go on and on but, I guess I better get back to the kids and the list of chores...

Feeling word: Peaceful


Monday, September 15, 2008

The Moon

Did any of you happen to check out the moon this evening? It was very cool... low, big, bright! The girls and I enjoyed looking at it. It went a little something like this...
Mom: Hey, girls look at the moon!
Drew: Wow, that's cool! Look how big it is!
Lilly: I can see it! I can see it! It's a full moon!

Then their was a bunch of chatter between the girls I missed. then...
Drew: No Lilly. Their is only one moon
Lilly: We have two moons. We have two moons
Drew: Their is other moons Lilly but we only have one.
Lilly: No! We have two!
Drew: MOOOOM! Will you please tell Lilly we only have one moon.
Mom: Yes Lilly. We only have one moon. Other planets have moons, some even have more than one. But we only have one moon.
Lilly: But we have a half moon too!

That girl just makes me smile!

Can't believe it's been six years

In six years we’ve...
Grown in Christ together
Scrapped till our hearts were content
Had baby boys together
Mothered each other's children
Traded pillows
Done Bible studies together
Praised and worshiped our King together
Stayed up all night
Shared in our struggles
And in our hopes
Confessed our sins
Prayed with each other
And for each other
Taken the stage together
made others laugh together
Drank countless cokes
Cleaned up hundreds of flies
Held one another accountable
Served together
And even sinned together
Acted like little girls
Traveled together
Danced in the rain
Shared many secrets
Cleaned each other’s houses
Prayed for each other’s Husband
Counseled each other
Had merlot in Verlot
Spent too much money together
Ate at the world’s largest Mc Donald’s
Binged on candy
Shopped until we’ve dropped
Reviewed, edited, or approved each other’s emails
Laughed until we’ve cried
Cried until we’ve laughed
Shared our burdens
And our blessings
Encouraged and supported each other
And so much more!

Happy Anniversary Soul Sista!

On my mind

I have to say how glad I am to be back online. Our cord went bad and we've been with out the Internet since Thursday evening. I've had plenty to do though.

Lilly is finally feeling better after 5 days with a fever. Poor thing was miserable. But she's back to herself and looks cuter then ever with her new hair cut.

I've been purging through my girls clothes and doing the laundry...12 loads to be exact!!! This picture is just my sock pile! That's why I'm purging! My girls have enough clothes for about 4 little girls and that makes for WAY too much laundry.

This week I am working on picking the Christmas program for the children. I am having a really hard time doing it because so many of the plays are cheesy. But the kids want something fun so I'm trying to find the right balance. I would love to just do the story of Jesus' birth and nothing else, but I know some of the girls are hoping for a comedy. Any thoughts on how I can make the Birth of Christ a comedy? I did find one dusty old play from before I was born in Berta's office that has some potential. Its a little Hell, Fire and Brimstone in the message but I think can work with it...maybe?

My stack of books to read is growing. So much to read and so little time. Right now I'm reading Hearing God by Dallas Willard. Its a little over my head but I'm working on it. I also have Stronger than you think and having a Mary Heart in a Martha World. Not to mention any of the Lori Wick and Francine Rivers books in my stack. I'm also trying to finish up my study of Ephesians so I can start my study of Proverbs 31. I am really excited about that but already have my next study in mind after that. The curse. I really want to study on that cause so many christian self help books talk about the curse and how it affects this, that and the other thing. I just want to see for myself what the curse really means for us today and how it affects us in our everyday lives.(Clint and I really need to buy a good commentary)

Sorry for flipping from one subject to another...just got a lot on my mind :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Praying for the families who lost a loved one

It was time for Gus to move up to a new size of shoe. He however, was not very happy about it. First of all its all I can do to get him to wear shoes rather than boots most days but if I do succeed, these green shoes that are getting to small are the shoes of choice. I kept bringing the blue ones out and getting all excited about them. Then I'd try to put them on his feet and he'd grab them and throw them saying "no shoes!" I even resorted to using the other kids to act like they were going to take the shoes and wear them to make him want them. That didn't work either. So this weekend I explained the situation to Clint. he took that matter into his own hands and forced those shoes onto Gus' feet. He didn't like it one but but Clint didn't care. This was one battle that the 2 year old was not going to win. I of course was pleading with Clint. "honey, the shoe still fit him a little, we could wait a while..."blah, blah, blah you get the picture. He said if he didn't get this taken care of I was gonna have to fight with Gus about it later so just let him deal with it. So true, so true. So my little boy with his broken will sat in his room crying for fifteen minutes saying "shoes, shoes". Once I saw him come to his door I went over to comfort him. Thankfully he didn't ask me for his green shoe cause that would have been really hard for me. He just asked me to pick him up and get him a blanky from his crib. From that day forward we have successfully been wearing our new blue shoes (or boots). Thanks Hubby!

and if that wasn't enough isshoes for one house hold...
Our sweet little Lilly has a HUGE obsession with shoes. Just take a look at the picture and you'll see. Once in a while we let the girls spend a little fun money out of their banks and Lilly always picks shoes. GRRRRRRRR it was I say every time cause we don't have enough room for the ones she already has. Since everyone knows how much she loves shoes, she often gets them as gifts too. Fortunately since this picture was taken a couple months ago I have been able to pair down (no pun intended) some of her shoes and they are much more manageable now.

Here's my brainy breakfast of choice.
Per Dr. Sears recommendation kids should have a brainy breakfast before they head off to school in the morning. Brainy breakfast is whole grains, fresh fruit or proteins. The choices for my girls are whole grain pancakes with fruit, eggs, whole grain english muffin/toast or oatmeal. Drew has been making herself one of these every morning before school. She toasts her muffin, scrambles her egg (in a round bowl so it takes the shape of the muffin) in the microwave and tops with a slice of cheese and canadian bacon. Probably a little high in cholesterol but a good source of whole grains, fiber (double fiber eng. muf.) and protein to start the day off right.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A style of his own.
I picked out Gus' shirt and shorts today but he gets all the credit for the hat and boots. That boy loves his rubber boots! This hat (that is to big for him) is his latest style accessory of choice. Don't ya just love little boys!?!
A splash of color.
Thank you Heather for sharing your super cute fabric with me!